All questions asked by Kiwis on trademe the New Zealand equivalent to Ebay. Reminder, these are all real, legitimate questions written on trademe.
1. that sounds like a fair price do you have a contact mumber i can ring you one preferablay a home numner not a cell, as could we sort a test drive i take your word its a good box but 1.5 is a lot of money just piece of mine
2. 40 mins total play time
Comes With origanal packing and books
3. greatg house only 4 years old in sub division huge back yard double bedroom ,warm ,alarmed parking on drive way or rd . exsiting flatmates 2 females in early 20's awesome bathroom close to parks shops bus stops QE2 swimming pool 5 min drive to the palms mall Smokers OK, no pets. | |||||||
misspelled. Check out the bottom of the page. 5. This is from a Forum: Contact? You had you're far share when you lost your ductail spolier giving one of the cef's a love tap on the last lefthander. I think you had your far share. 6. Latest Trademe question: do you still have purchase receit , so if any problems this could be returned under gurantee? I am not writing this to be mean, simply I am worried, I try and do my best at spelling and I hope this isn't a reflection on the school system here. Is it just lazy writing? or is spelling not high on the list in school? I am wondering if I will have to teach spelling at home. There are many times on trademe when I cant honestly answer questions because I really don't know what they mean! I never have this problem on ebay. |
Hi...I've been reading your blog for a while and probably should introduce myself before I comment. Excuse the spelling mistakes...I'm a Kiwi!!
Anyway...I'm living in Japan with my Japanese hub and 11 year old Dd and your blog makes my homesick...though I'm from the North not the South.
As for the spelling mistakes, I think it's a combination of a couple of things...laziness (don't spell check), computer culture, and I'm sure in some of those cases just plain ignorance (as in don't know how to spell). But don't worry....I assure you they do teach spelling at school there. Now...don't get me started on the amount of English spelling mistakes I see here in Japan. Some of them are laughable! seeing another perspective of life 'down under'. Am waiting for the day I can come home for good.
Lol sorry Fiona (and nice to meet you), I was hoping I didnt offend anyone, it wasn't written with that goal in mind, I really do love New Zealand and I only said "some" : )
I probably shouldnt have posted all that but I am really interested in why it stands out to me so much. Our Real Estate agent actually spelled my husband's name as "Takuwukii" on our receipt as he stood there spelling it for her. I told him he became a new Star Wars character.
Isn't there some great English mistakes going on in Japan? My favorite was a store in our neighborhood called "Flesh Food" at least it's not their first language though you would think they would consult a Native speaker first.
I only found out yesterday they are starting a Japanese pre-school here in Christchurch, I am so excited!
I hope you are able to come home soon, it's raining like crazy though!
No don't didn't offend anyone and I for one am glad that you posted it. Like I said it's great to know how your own country is viewed through another pair of eyes...the good the bad the ugly etc. My Dad (who happens to be a Brit but has lived in NZ for 45 years or so) loves NZ but is similarily embarrassed by our (as in me and my siblings) 'terrible' English and horrible accent!
Lol at your Dh's 'new' name. Had to giggle as when whe lived in the States for a while, even a relatively simple name like mine got spelt in numerously creative ways...ones even I'd never thought of :-) so I can relate!
That's cool about a pre-school. Are you planning to stay long term?
Hope the lousy weather passes. Would love to visit Chch...only ever seen it from the air (and in transit). Have just booked a trip home.....for the summer!
BTW....your Dd is absolutely gorgeous. Almost see a little bit of Maori in her!
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